Fan Fiction, what are your thoughts?
My mother recently sent me this article from the Wall Street Journal on Fan
The weird World of Fan Fiction.
I found the article intriguing
enough to blog about it. Fan Fiction is where fans of a book, movie, or TV
series take those lovable characters and re-create them into a different world,
scenario, or storyline. An entire website exists with millions of stories
people have written based off their favorite characters.
I think this is hysterical,
as a teacher I have been doing fan fiction with the kids and didn't even
realize it. Every year I teach my favorite subject fairy tales, folk tales, and
fables. The kids of course have to re-write a favorite fairy tale or folk tale
into a different and creative storyline. It's an amazing way to teach creative
writing by changing the setting, voices, plot, and conflict/ solution from a familiar
The article informs that
some authors do not support fan fiction. They feel people are stealing what is
Personally, I cannot agree.
I think it's great! As a writer myself, I know what it is to be a daydreamer.
Often after I finish a book where I have fallen in love with the characters I
dream up different storylines, or situations in my head with those same people.
It’s a way to fill the void that is left after you finish the book and don’t
have those characters in your life anymore. Nobody wants to say goodbye to
their favorite characters. Therefore, we keep them fresh with new scenes in our
heads. Some folks are writing down those scenes, and sharing them with others.
More power to them.
If it were me, I would be honored
if someone fell in love with the
characters in my books so much that they wanted to to use them in their story.
I'm curious to know what your
thoughts and opinions are on fan fiction. Post your comments here:
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